Friday, September 19, 2014

Deep Roots

Life is complicated. Every time I get settled in and comfortable, something always changes. I spent a long time (and sometimes still do!) trying to hold onto control in my life. I have this subconscious belief that if I just plan enough, anticipate enough, prepare enough, and make all the right choices, that I can "control" the path and the outcome. This idol of control (and that's what it is, an idol) couldn't be further from God's plan for me.

Notice that the tree isn't doing anything. It's not making a long list of everything it has to do to be prepared for the drought. It isn't worrying about how it is going to get water or what's going to happen when it's leaves start turning brown. It's not anxious about the coming heat, trying to figure out how to survive the upcoming challenges. Why? Because it is rooted near a life sustaining source. It sends it's roots deep into the stream where it knows it will receive exactly the nourishment and provision it needs to survive any hardship. But it not only survives, it thrives! The end of the passage says that it never fails to bear fruit, even through difficulties that should have killed it. 

So what about the beautiful tree that's planted in the middle of a field somewhere with no stream in sight? It's well being is entirely dependent on its circumstances. It does well when the blessing of rain is consistent and the climate is moderate. One day, the same heat and drought come, but it is an entirely different outcome. The tree appears as if it's doing well for a little while, but once it uses up it's own reserves, it begins to die little by little. The outermost leaves start turning brown and falling. The branches start drying out. Some bark begins falling off of the trunk. The exterior of the tree appears to be suffering but it still stands strong until one day it suddenly falls. Hard. When you approach it and look at the center of the trunk, you see that the core is dry, crumbled and empty. The tree that was once stood strong and beautiful and seemed to have it all together has fallen. The tree's own reserves and energy were not enough to sustain it during the drought. 

I don't know about you, but I know exactly which tree I want to be. I want to be planted by the source, Christ. I want my roots to go deep into His word and for my faith and trust in Him to be what sustains me through each coming difficulty in life. I don't want to be dependent on my own abilities, but live so deeply rooted in His grace that when the droughts and trials in my life come, I not only survive, but thrive, bearing external fruit that can only be a reflection of where my roots are buried. 

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